
A little about me: I was born and raised in Ogden, Utah and received my BA in physics and philosophy at Utah State University. I later went to Texas A&M and received my MA in philosophy. From there, I received my PhD in philosophy at Marquette University. I am currently an adjunct professor at Salt Lake Community College.

My primary philosophical specialties are ethics, the philosophy of sex and love, and bioethics. My ideas are my own and are not necessarily the opinions of my employer. Areas that I’m competent to teach are ancient philosophy, environmental ethics, contemporary moral problems, and issues in feminism.

Outside of academia, I like to travel, practice my martial arts (Kuk Sool Won), play my violin, and try out new coffee shops where I’m at. Indeed, I have an Instagram account that focuses on my coffee experiences along with my research.


Please see my Curriculum Vitae for more details, or my Academia.edu page.

If you would like to contact me, you may email me at shaundmiller81@gmail.com.

Follow me on Twitter.

15 Responses to Home

  1. Shaun Miller says:

    I must first congratulate you on your name. I think it is almost as good as mine…but not quite.

    And as you are a namesake, I wholeheartedly agree with all your views

  2. Nick Aufdemorte says:

    Shawn.. It is awesome to see you are still contributing to your blog. Your class was awesome last semester. Deffinatly one of my favorites. If not my favorite so far of my collegiate experience. My email is punkusnickus@gmail.com if you would like to stay in touch. Til then I will be reading and commenting on your blog..

  3. thekillerj says:

    Also shows up on my other work computer, which has a State of Utah filter and tracking system. I probably shouldn’t have checked at work. haha

  4. Racheal says:

    I happened to stumble upon your site while doing some research on Albert Camus’ book “The Rebel” and I just wanted to say that I find your site very interesting.

  5. Racheal says:

    Same here, school keeps me so busy I hardly have time to do much else. I tried to finish my own blog/photography site, but I just can’t find the time to get to it.

  6. Barb says:

    Nice bio Shaun! Why didn’t you go into Physics? Just asking out of curiousity! You are a highly interesting man- my child loved your class.

  7. Jeff says:

    What is your religious belief?

  8. Daniel Loaiza says:

    I was interested in your thoughts about overcoming nihilism. Is it possible to affirm life without an objective opinion maker (God)?
    Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

    • shaunmiller says:

      Hi Daniel,

      I think so. Nihilism is the idea that values don’t exist. However, I don’t think it’s possible to live without value, even if they are created. To live a life without any sort of objective values is something that can be done, and it has been talked about through Nietzsche, Camus, Sartre, and de Beauvoir just to name a few. I think a good way to start is through a book which I review on this blog here. Moreover, if you’re talking specifically about objectivity through God, another question to ask if there are other objective values. Some philosophers have thought there are, even without bringing God into the picture.

  9. Jason says:

    I have just read part I of your review and found it well presented and insightful. If you haven’t already passed your PhD good luck. Ps I suppose one has to assume reading the English translation is the same as reading the work in its original French. The same goes with all those Greek writers (etc).

  10. ashergarcia says:

    Hey Shaun,
    I was wondering if you could please glimpse into my new site fiendink.wordpress.com. I am an aspiring writer, and having excelled throughout my scholastic/collegiate career in the literary field, I do believe I can make some waves with the appropriate mindset. My writing is harsh, outspoken, and darkly humorous. Offensive on levels, as well. Though, it is in this voice, I find my greatest strengths, and I thrive in the right of fearless, free speech. Your dissections of Nihilism are very interesting and insightful, and I enjoy your rhetoric. If you could, check out my content, and feel free to throw me some advice, if you get a chance. Thank you!


  11. selena holmes says:

    Hey idk if you actually will read this but I’m a communications major in San Francisco and I really would love to ask some questions about your Halwani ethics post. My email is @sholmes2@mail.sfsu.edu

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